How to test your QR code payment system

Testing a QR code payment system is crucial to ensure that it is reliable, secure, and user-friendly. By conducting thorough testing, businesses can identify and fix any errors or issues that may arise during the payment process, such as incorrect amounts, failed transactions, or security breaches. Additionally, testing allows businesses to get feedback on the user experience and make any necessary adjustments to improve the customer experience. Overall, testing a QR code payment system is an essential step in ensuring that customers can make purchases without any issues and that the system will perform optimally.

Here are some steps you can take to test your QR code payment system:

Step 1 - Test with sample transactions

Use the system to process a few sample transactions with small amounts, to ensure that the payment is being processed correctly and that the funds are being transferred to the correct account.

Step 2 - Check for errors

Check the system for any errors or issues that may arise during the payment process, such as incorrect amounts, failed transactions, or security breaches.

Step 3 - Test with different devices

Test the system using different types of devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to ensure that it is compatible with a wide range of devices. During the testing it is a good idea to check various operating systems, such as Android, iPhone, Windows, iMac and different screen resolutions: small mobile, medium size mobile, large mobile, tablet, standard desktop screen, high resolution desktop screen.

During the test you need to verify the the purchase pages look good on all of the resultions.

Step 4 - Test with different QR codes

Test the system with different types of QR codes, such as product 1, product 2, service 1, service 2 to ensure that all of the QR codes work as intended and the payment links make payment with the correct amount possible.

Step 5 - Test the security

Make sure the QR code payment system is secure, by testing the HTTPS certificate in a desktop browser. The HTTPS certificates must be valid and it should not be expired. To test the HTTPS certificate, simply click on the lock icon next to the page URL bar in a desktop browser.

Step 6 - Test the customer experience

Test the system with a group of customers to get feedback on the user experience and make any necessary adjustments. This test is very important, as you will see how your customers interact with your pages. You might discover, that the payment link button should be have a different colour, or the product description should be smaller.

Step 7 - Test the different payment methods and currencies

Test the system with different payment methods, such as Google Wallet, Apple Pay, Credit card, PayPal, and bank transfer, to ensure that it can process all types of payments.

Test the system with different currencies, to ensure that it can process payments in different currencies and correct exchange rate is used.

Step 8 - Test with different languages

If you operate an International business, it is important to test the system with different languages, to ensure that the customer experience is smooth and easy to use for customers who speak different languages.

Step 9 - Compliance

By ensuring that the system is compliant with the payment regulations and laws of your country, and the country where you operate in, businesses can avoid any legal or financial issues that may arise from non-compliance.


It's important to test the system thoroughly to ensure that it is working correctly and that customers will have a positive experience when using it. It's also important to ensure that the system is compliant with the payment regulations and laws of your country, and the country where you operate in.